March 26, 2025

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Skunk Encounter? (847) 524-8387

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Skunk Encounter?

Around here pets are being sprayed during an encounter with a skunk rather often for some reason. It might smell like it’s an emergency, there is an easy and effective homemade recipe for “Skunk-Off” to handle the odor. Remedies like tomato juice or vinegar just cover up the odor. Chemist Paul Krebaum developed this recipe using household items that causes a chemical reaction to break up the oils and neutralize the odor.


  • Oxyfresh Pet Deodorizer Spray (Oxyfresh products are completely safe and non-toxic.)
  • Oxyfresh Pet Gel (Oxyfresh products are completely safe and non-toxic.)
  • one (1) Quart Hydrogen Peroxide (BRAND NEW UNOPENED BOTTLE)
  • ¼ Cup Baking Soda
  • a few teaspoons dishwashing liquid (any kind)


1.) Do not rinse or apply water or anything with water in it before applying Oxyfresh Pet Deodorizer. When pet is dry prior to skunk bath, mist your pet’s hair coat with Oxyfresh Pet Deodorizer until totally damp all the way down to the skin surface. It is safe to get close to eyes and even in the nose. Carefully mist the Pet Deodorizer up the animal’s nose so it gets into the sinus cavities. They might not like it, but it is important. Chances are there is skunk spray inside the sinus cavity. Don’t get in pets mouth. Rub Pet Deodorizer well into coat down to the skin. Apply generously. The coat should feel damp.

2.) Leave the Pet Deodorizer on hair and coat for 10 minutes. Do not rinse or apply water or anything with water in it before applying the shampoo.

3.) Rub Oxyfresh Pet Gel on the teeth and gums. Many times the pet has an open mouth when it gets sprayed. You may want to rub the gel onto the head and face area as well, being careful not to get any into your pet’s eyes. Leave this on for 10 minutes.

4.) Mix fresh peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap together; wet pet down first with warm tap water; then apply mixture to wet pet and let soak for 15 minutes; rinse off with warm tap water – larger dogs may require a double dose (more total liquid.) Be careful around the eyes and use plain saline solution to rinse the eyes if they are irritated. NOTE: Discard any unused portion. Solution left to sit in capped container may explode!

5.) Wait 2 hours (or 5 to 6 hours if your pet has suffered a straight on hit) and repeat steps 1 to 4 with a FRESH MIXURE. There will be no more skunk smell if you cleaned all areas even if your pet gets wet!

Please call us at 847-524-8387 to purchase Oxyfresh Pet Products.

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Please Tell Us Your Pet’s Needs And Request A Quote. Please call us and ask the Veterinarian about dog veterinary services, cat veterinary services, and bird veterinary services. Our veterinarians provide affordable pet health care.

    Phone 847-524-8387 Fax 847-524-9942

    (By appointment only during these hours:)





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