March 25, 2025

Before You Trust Your Pet's Health To A Cut-Rate Vaccination Mill, Please Request A Quote.

Prescription Requests From An “Online Pharmacy” Policy

Pet Medications Purchased Online May Not Be Guaranteed. While it may be labeled as an “online pharmacy,” please be aware that most online pet pharmacies are not backed/guaranteed by the manufacturers of the products they are selling.

Skunk Encounter? (847) 524-8387

Driving Directions Pets Available for Adoption Skunk Encounter? Around here pets are being sprayed during an encounter with a skunk rather often for some reason. It might smell like it’s an emergency, there is an easy and effective homemade recipe for “Skunk-Off” to handle the odor. Remedies like tomato juice or vinegar just cover up the […]

Heartworm Pet Meds (847) 524-8387

A Heartworm Pet Meds Warranty is NOT valid if purchased online. The drug company only pays for heartworm treatment if the pills were purchased from us.

Elk Grove Pet Clinic